Drop and give me 100 pushups!

Or, as Chief Petty Office Paet used to say in boot camp, “Pushup position, hut!” (Although the exclamation mark may be misplaced, he was a smallish Filipino guy who never raised his voice.) So the days of actually doing 100 pushups at once are several years behind me. Until now, that is.

I stumbled upon OneHundredPushups today and I’m inspired that slugs like me (and yes, even you) can aspire to do 100 pushups in just six weeks using the plan created by Steve Spiers. I’m starting today. Char will start today. I’ll have the kids start today.

Why don’t you start today, too?

[Take the 100 Pushups Challenge]


  1. Natasha @ Becoming Something October 17, 2008 at 3:08 pm

    This is the perfect opportunity to brag that my husband, age 44, 175lbs can do 45 push ups with all of my 130ish lbs weight on his back. 😀 Me? I can do about 20-30 girl push ups at once. My big fitness goal is to be able to do ONE chin up.

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