God Bless Mr. Stroup

Some time ago, I lamented that too many blogs were full of stories and comments that focused a laser beam on all the things wrong with this world. I, too, fell into the trap; using these pages as an opportunity to vent some frustration about something I had seen, or read, or encountered.

I remember deciding one day to make an effort to include more positive words than negative, to shed light on people that are doing the right thing, even when no one else is looking. The story I share with you today is that kind of story:

Mr. Stroup, the 8th grade Bible study teacher at Heritage Christian School in Indianapolis, began a tradition thirty years ago that continues even today. Watch this short video, hear his story, and be inspired. And then ask yourself, “Is there something I can do that could have this kind of impact on the lives of others?”

God bless you, Mr. Stroup. Keep it up.